Attachment Parenting

This desire is called “mother-and-baby attachment.”Some mothers naturally have this desire, while others grow into it.
Babies instinctively have the ability to bring out this “mother-and-baby attachment” desire in mothers.
Every baby’s actions and behavior encourages activation of child-rearing instincts and hormones.
These hormones bring out the desire in mothers to develop a secure mutual attachment. Attachment Parenting is a style parents naturally embrace when following their own intuition.
When you are in close physical contact with your baby with a sling, it encourages not only children to feel secure and content, but encourages a high child-rearing hormone level in the parent.
Babies are comforted by the motion, smells, and warmth of their parents.
Babies in slings are usually quiet and content. This makes them much more adaptable in adult surroundings.
For mothers, it makes breastfeeding easier and discreet and therefore makes mothers feel more comfortable.
In many countries around the world, this style of parenting has been practiced as a traditional habit for centuries.
As a mother is aware of her baby’s cues and signals, she learns to understand her baby’s wants and needs little by little.
Also, the baby learns that a mother can receive their signals, and they soon send signals with confidence.
Babies who feel responded to, connected and valued, cry and fuss less.
This means they have more time to learn and grow.
Responding to signals results in less frustration and stress for both parents and baby.
Deepening the bond between parent and child is the goal of attachment parenting, and P-sling is the ideal tool for achieving it.

Quiet Alertness

Less energy used by babies for crying means more energy for growing and learning.
It leads to the development of a motor nerve.
In addition, babies worn in the sling fall asleep quickly and usually sleep deeper and for longer periods of time in the comfort of their sling.
A sense of security by being in close contact with parent (emotional satisfaction) and a comfortable posture as in the womb (physical satisfaction) lead to the development of keen senses.
When a baby is in quiet alertness and held in cradle position, he/she can see a mother in full-face from a close position.
This condition strongly stimulates visual sense for a baby, and gives parent and baby the best possible situation for forming a strong bond.
When you hold a baby in this “kangaroo position,” a baby enjoys a 180-degree view and ample opportunities to develop keen senses.
This condition is best for learning about the outside world.
As the Second Womb
There is a line of thinking suggesting a baby’s gestation period lasts 18 months, including the nine months after birth.
Needless to say, the first period is in the mother’s womb, so the latter half is outside of the womb.
A baby in a womb grows accustomed to the regular biological rhythm (heartbeat, breathing and steps) of a mother. After birth, a baby is exposed to the irregular rhythm in the outer environment.
However, when a baby is in close contact with a mother in a sling and feels her biological rhythm, he/she can remember the rhythm-like motion, pressure, warmth and sound that he/she felt in the womb.
The baby can feel relaxed and adapt to life outside of the womb. Continuous attachment stimulates adjustment hormones for the nervous system and hastens behaviors like sleeping at night and awaking in the daytime.The vestibular nervous system (balance organs) is responsible for controlling a baby’s sense of balance.
A baby in a mother’s body is stimulated in the womb that is always moving, and this system sensitively responds to the movement of the womb.After birth, the baby is exposed to a variety of sights, sounds and motions, and the system develops by being carried in a sling as well.
As a result, it leads to balancing of the whole body.